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What to do with Big Momma/Granddaddy’s land?

Income opportunities and options for landowners

The 2022 Socially Disadvantaged farming forum will address a variety of forest farming topics, including opportunities for generating agricultural income while conserving and rejuvenating forested land, heir property,  forest management, silvopasture, ecological grazing, conservation easements and other income generating programs. This will be a hybrid event, can be intended both in person and via zoom. Dinner will be served at the event at Carter Farms, 26273 Carters Lane, Unionville VA.

Join Dr. John Munsell of Virginia Tech as well as representatives from USDA and other conservation organizations to learn more about what can be done with your properties.


Sponsored with support from USDA NIFA Beginner Farmer and Rancher Grant, Farm Service Agency and Natural Resource Conservation Agency (NCRS).



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